Karim Belabas on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 02:40:27 +0200

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pari-2.3.4 (STABLE) released

Dear PARI lovers,

I would like to announce the release of pari-2.3.4 (STABLE). The sources
and a Windows binary are available from


This is a BUGFIX release for the stable branch, fixing all significant 
problems that could be fixed in a simple, harmless way.

* Only one really annoying bug: a memory leak affecting constructions like
  local(x = VECTOR or MATRIX)

* A single new feature: a new version() function in GP, so that its analog
introduced in the unstable branch would realize its full potential. (No point
in testing whether we have a recent enough version if that very test raises an
exception in the current stable version.)

   if (lex(version(), [2,3,4]) >= 0,
      \\ code to be executed if we are running 2.3.4 or more recent.
      \\ compatibility code

Thanks to all those who reported problems, on the mailing lists or through
our Bug Tracking System. ( See http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/Bugs/ )

Have fun,


P.S: The Changelog:

Done for version 2.3.4 (released 08/07/2008):
    1- delete CVS.txt, add README-subversion
    2- delete TODO [ only relevant / up to date in the development branch ]
    3- factor(500501^36): impossible assignment I-->S                     [F21]
    4- quadray(-7,6) [or other "impossible conductors"] --> oo loop [#725][F22]
    5- mathnf(a,1) could have negative entries if non-trivial kernel[#741][F41]
    6- duplicate factors in nffactor (easy cases) [#761]                  [F52]
    7- wrong signs in bnfisintnorm e.g. [bnfinit(x^3+5), 5] -> x [#767]   [F55]
    8- memory leak: local(x = VECTOR/MATRIX VALUE) in user functions  
    9- acos(x^0) -> division by 0 [ instead of O(x^8), at \ps 16 ]  [2-4-2-F83]
       Analogously, acosh(x^0), asin(x^0), asinh(I+O(x)) --> division by 0
   10- zeta(0e1) --> SEGV [#627], exp(0e1*I) --> SEGV [#630]        [2-4-2-F44]
       zeta(1-2^31 or 1-2^63) -> SEGV [#730]                        [F26]
   11  bnr=bnrinit(bnfinit(y^2-229,1),5,1); rnfkummer(bnr,,3) --> oo loop [F30]
   12- missing subfields in nfsubfields [#744]                            [F43]
   13- infinite loop in nffactor [#751]                                   [F47]
   14- eint1(10,10) completely wrong                                      [F49]
   15- x/(x+2) * Mod(1,2) -> Mod(1, 2)*x/(x + 2)  [should be Mod(1,2)]    [F56]
   16- substpol(x/(y^3*x+1),y^2,1) -> x/(y^3*x + 1) [should be x/(y*x+1)] [F57]
   17- hilbert(1,1,1) --> oo loop [#770]                                  [F61]
   18- nffactor(nfinit(y),x*y)                            [F60,F61,F62,F63,F64]
       nffactor(nfinit(y),x^2*y)  --> errors or SEGV. [#769]
       nffactor(y^2+1, x+1/2) --> x+1/2 [ not integral ]
       nffactor(y^2+1,x*y+1) --> x*y + 1 [ not normalized, missing POLMOD ]
       nffactor(y^2+1,x^2+2*y+1) --> x^2+2*y+1 [ missing POLMOD ]
   19- p=x^4-x^3+x^2-x+1; tnf = thueinit(p); thue(tnf,1) -> missing solutions
       (could occur whenever p has no real root) [#764]                   [F67]
   20- missing GC in numtoperm()                                          [F68]
   21- harmless uninitialized memory read in mulrrz_i()                   [F69]
   22- minor inaccuracy in GMP kernel (affir)                             [F72]
   23- matsolve([1;2;3],[1,2,4]~) --> [1]~  (should raise an error)       [F76]

    1- GP function version() [ current version number ]                   [A20]
Karim Belabas, IMB (UMR 5251)  Tel: (+33) (0)5 40 00 26 17
Universite Bordeaux 1          Fax: (+33) (0)5 40 00 69 50
351, cours de la Liberation    http://www.math.u-bordeaux.fr/~belabas/
F-33405 Talence (France)       http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/  [PARI/GP]