Karim Belabas on Mon, 14 May 2018 21:20:41 +0200

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pari-2.10.0 released ! [ALPHA]

Dear PARI lovers,

I am pleased to announce the release of pari-2.10.0-ALPHA, incorporating two
years worth of development into an official release !

Sources and binaries for Windows or MacOS can be obtained through the address

This new branch contains a brand new package for spaces of Modular Forms,
a wealth of new functions for elliptic curves or number fields,
new iterators, and a long expected ECPP primality prover !

See http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/Bugs/ for how to report problems
or submit wishlist items.

Have fun,



[The GP language]
  - new iterators: forperm (over permutations), forsubset (over subsets),
    forfactored/fordivfactored (over integers/divisors in factored form),
    forsquarefree (over squarefree integers), forprimestep (over primes in
    arithmetic progressions). We also allow forstep(a,b, Mod(c,q), ...)
  - new interface for handling files: fileclose, fileextern, fileflush,
    fileopen fileread, filereadstr, filewrite, filewrite1. Orders of magnitude
    faster than read / write for small incremental I/O operations
  - allow \r "foo bar" to allow filenames containing spaces (quotes around
    file names are optional; also for \l and \w).
  - new function printp to print matrices in 2-D as output by gp
    [ existed in 2.5 with a different meaning: "pretty" format ]
  - default(echo, 2): print lines as is, including whitespace and comments

[Multiprecision Kernel]
  - new function exponent()
  - new function log1p(x) = log(1+x) accurate near 0
  - improvements to sqrtn, log, lngamma, expm1

[Numerical summation and integration]
  - derivnum: allow order k derivatives
   ? derivnum(x = 0, exp(sin(x)), 16) \\ 16-th derivative
   %1 = -52635599.000000000000000000000000000000
  - new numerical summation functions: sumnumap / sumnumapinit (Abel-Plana),
    sumnumlagrange / sumnulagrangeinit (Lagrange)
  - new functions prodeulerrat, sumeulerrat, sumnumrat, prodnumrat for
    numerical summation/product of rational functions at integers or primes
  - intnum: allow power series as limits for the integration interval
  - new function laurentseries

  - new functions permorder (order of a permutation), permsign (signature)
  - binomial(n): vector of all binomial(n, k), 0 <= k <= n
  - new function vecprod = prod(i = 1, #v, v[i]) using product tree
  - new function matpermanent

[Elementary Number Theory]
  - ECPP primality proof: primecert, primecertexport, primecertisvalid; also 
    used by isprime()
  - new function divisorslenstra (divisors in residue classes)
  - new functions to manipulate Abelian characters
      * general characters: chargalois (Galois orbits), charpow (chi^n),
      * Dirichlet characters: znchar (convert datum to Dirichlet character)
        znchargauss (complex Gauss sum), zncharconductor, znchartoprimitive,
        znchardecompose (chi mod N = chi_Q chi_N/Q), 
  - issquarefree / isfundamental / quaddisc: allow integers in factored form
  - fast chinese remainder, fast multimodular reduction (reduce integer N mod
    p1, ..., pk)
  - optional flag to 'divisors' (include factorization)

[Finite fields]
  - new interface to handle maps between finite fields: ffmap (evaluate a map),
    ffinvmap (invert a map), ffcompomap (compose maps), ffextend (create a map
    from K to K[t]/(T)), ffembed(a,b) (create a map from k(a) to k(b)),
    fffrobenius (create Frobenius as a map)
  - parallel znlog/fflog over large prime fields and fields of
    characteristic <= 5

  - new interface to factorization and root finding over finite fields;
    extend factormod(f, D) for general finite fields: D = p prime [over Fp],
    D = [T,p] (over Fp[x]/(T)) D a t_FFELT (over attached Fq), or omited
    [over field of definition of f]. Same for polrootsmod.
  - new functions factormodSQF (squarefree factorization), factormodDDF
    (distinct degree factorization)
  - new function polrootsbound (sharp upper bound for complex roots)

[Linear Algebra]
  - Linear algebra over Z/NZ: matdetmod, matimagemod, matinvmod, matkermod,
    matsolvemod (also makes matrixqz(,-1 or- 2) an order of magnitude faster)
  - new modular implementation of linear algebra over Z and cyclotomic rings
  - asymptotically fast linear algebra over finite fields, using CUP
  - allow matsolve(M,b) when M is only left-invertible

[Elliptic curves]
  - E/Qp now allowed in ellap, ellcard, ellgroup, ellissupersingular
    [these four now also allow models which are not p-integral],
    ellintegralmodel, ellpadicfrobenius, ellpadics2 (now allows curve with
    multiplicative reduction), elllocalred
  - extend support for curves over number fields: ellheight, ellrootno,
    ellpointtoz, E.omega, E.eta, E.area, ellgroup(E,P) for a maximal ideal P,
    ellisomat [E without CM].
  - new functions elltamagawa, ellbsd, ellpadicbsd, ellpadicregulator,
    ellweilcurve, ellminimaldisc
  - new functions ellratpoints and hyperellratpoints based on
    Michael Stoll 'ratpoints'.

[Spaces of Modular Forms] New package; see ??14 and ??tutorial-mf
      getcache         lfunmf          mfDelta           mfEH
      mfEk             mfTheta         mfatkin           mfatkineigenvalues
      mfatkininit      mfbasis         mfbd              mfbracket
      mfcoef           mfcoefs         mfconductor       mfcosets
      mfcuspisregular  mfcusps         mfcuspval         mfcuspwidth
      mfderiv          mfderivE2       mfdescribe        mfdim
      mfdiv            mfeigenbasis    mfeigensearch     mfeisenstein
      mfembed          mfeval          mffields          mffromell
      mffrometaquo     mffromlfun      mffromqf          mfgaloistype
      mfhecke          mfheckemat      mfinit            mfisCM
      mfisequal        mfkohnenbasis   mfkohnenbijection mfkohneneigenbasis
      mflinear         mfmanin         mfmul             mfnumcusps
      mfparams         mfperiodpol     mfperiodpolbasis  mfpetersson
      mfpow            mfsearch        mfshift           mfshimura
      mfslashexpansion mfspace         mfsplit           mfsturm
      mfsymbol         mfsymboleval    mftaylor          mftobasis
      mftocoset        mftonew         mftraceform       mftwist

[Modular symbols & p-adic L functions]
  - the package now supports level N = 1
  - new functions msdim (dimension), mslattice (canonical integral structure),
    mspetersson (intersection product), mspolygon (hyperbolic polygon / Farey
    symbol attached to Gamma_0(N))
  - msfromell: use a much faster modular algorithm, allow a vector
    of isogenous curves
  - allow mssplit(M) by itself, splits msnew(M) by default

[Complex L-functions]
  - lfuncreate: allow specifying an arbitrary growth rate a(n) << n^(c + eps)
    [by default, assume Ramanujan-Petersson]
  - new functions lfuntwist (twist by Dirichlet character), lfunsympow
    (symmetric power)
  - allow zeta(power series)
  - new function zetahurwitz (complex or p-adic inputs)
  - new function zetamultall (all MZV of bounded weight), zetamultinit,

[Number Fields]
  - new functions nfeltembed (complex embeddings), nfeltsign (signs of real
    embeddings), nfpolsturm (number of real roots of s(T) for T in K[X] and
    s a real embedding of K), bestapprnf (algdep for a known number field),
    idealispower (I = J^n ?), idealredmodpower (reduce mod n-th powers)
    poldiscfactors (fast partial factorisation of poldisc(T)),
  - new functions to handle representations of galoisinit G:
    galoisconjclasses (conjugacy classes of G), galoischartable (character
    table), galoischarpoly (characteristic polynomial of representation),
    galoischardet (determinant).
  - bnrinit(,,1) [include generators] is no longer necessary for bnrL1,
    bnrconductor, bnrrootnumber, bnrstark, rnfkummer, galoissubcyclo
  - faster nfgaloismatrix / nfgaloisapply(nf,s, ideal)
  - change rnfpolredabs so that it outputs a canonical polynomial.
    As a result, the function is no longer Obsolete.
  - optional argument to idealfactor [limit factorization]

[Associative and central simple algebras]
  - new functions alggroupcenter (Z(K[G])), algmakeintegral (integral
    multiplication table), algsplit (isomorphism between A/F_p and a matrix
    algebra M_d(F_p^n), where dim A = n*d^2)
  - new functions to handle full lattices: alglatadd, alglatcontains,
    alglatelement, alglathnf, alglatindex, alglatinter,
    alglatlefttransporter, alglatmul, alglatrighttransporter, alglatsubset

  - new functions plotexport / plothexport (support PostScript and SVG formats)
    The functions psdraw, psploth and psplothraw and the default 'psfile'
    are obsolete: use one of plotexport, plothexport or plothrawexport
    with format "ps" and write the result to file.
  - graph/plotport.c is now part of libpari
  - plotcolor(w, col) now allows color names (t_STR), [R,G,B] values
    or "#RRGGBB" hex triplet; returns the [R,G,B] value attached to c
  - allow plotdraw(w) for plotdraw([w,0,0])


0) Defaults:
  - change 'debugmem' default value to 1; no memory-related message at value 0
    (not recommended under gp).

1) Output changes:
  - the bid structure from idealstar has been changed, the new format is
    not compatible with pari-2.9
  - changed the definitions in polred / polredbest / polredabs / rnfpolredabs
    to decide what is the "best" polynomial to return
  - bnrdisclist output is now an ordinary vector (not a vector of vectors)
  - idealstar(,N) : always include generators, for all values of flag.
    The operation is cheap: allowing not to compute it does not make much
    sense; and G.gen is now always defined.
  - component(t_POL T, n) used to return polcoeff(T, n-1) for all n >= 1
    [ undocumented compatibility behaviour ]. Now returns a true GEN component
    whenever it exists and raises an exception when it does not
    [ n <= 0 or n > polcoeff(T)+1 ]. Use polcoeff !
  - nf structure:  nf[7] now stores nf.zk / content(nf.zk). Old format is
    still supported (to read in data involving old-style nf generated by
    gp version < 2.10) but incurs a small speed penalty.
  - K.tu[2] was always a t_POLMOD; make it a t_INT if -1
  - numtoperm now returns a t_VECSMALL (so that results can be
    multiplied as permutations, etc.), no longer a t_VEC with t_INT entries
  - Ser(s, 'x, d) now always returns a series with d significant terms.
    It used to return a t_SER s in 'x verbatim and to use all given
    coefficients for a t_VEC/t_COL. The behaviour changes only if d is
    explicitly given: no change for Ser(s,'x)
  - algleftmultable now always returns the multiplication table on the
    integral basis
  - ellmoddegree no longer outputs [D, err] but only the degree D

2) Input / interface changes:
  - lfuncreate() change of format for (p,d)->Lp closure:
      * Lp here and in bad primes [p,Lp] must now use the actual local
        factor and not its inverse
      * d is now the exact number of terms needed (was 1 less), i.e.
        one need only return Lp + O(x^d)
      * bad primes are given as a separate 2nd component:
        [Lp, [[p1,L1],...[pk,Lk]]], not as [Lp, [p1,L1],...[pk,Lk]]
  - now that we have primecert, isprime(n,1) no longer outputs a certificate
    and no longer uses APRCL for large prime divisors of n-1; it now implements
    pure Pocklington-Lehmer-Selfridge and is very slow; use primecert(n) !
  - ellisomat(E,{fl}) is now ellisomat(E,{p},{fl}) (p degree of isogenies)
  - ellpadicmatrix now returns a pair of matrices (instead of a matrix
    whose entries are pairs of values); ellpadicheight and ellpadicmatrix no
    longer accept [p,[a,b]] arguments; use * [a,b]~
  - E/Qp converts coefficient to exact form using centered residues
  - factorff and polrootsff are now obsolete. Use factormod/polrootsmod
  - merged algdecomposition + algsimpledec -> algsimpledec
  - renamed algsplittingmatrix -> algtomatrix


P.S. The Changelog 

Bug numbers refer to the BTS at http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/Bugs/

Done for version 2.10.0 (released 15/05/2018):
      1- subst(1+x^3+O(x^6),x,x+O(x^4)) -> SEGV [#1865]
BA    2- lfunartin was using too much stack
BA    3- fflog in char 3 or 5 was slower than intended
      4- RgX_blocks only worked for t_INT or t_POL coeffs
      5- spurious bnrdlisclist entries (with negative number of real
         places...) when modulus not a conductor
BA    6- modular algorithms could fail for very large input
BA    7- [mingw] writebin did not work
BA    8- forprime(N=2^100,oo,...) did not work
      9- mseval(W,s,p) did not check 'p' in weight 2
     10- matrixqz(m, -1 or -2) was very slow
     11- ZG_normalize destroyed its input
     12- [install] prototype code D0,U, did not work
BA   13- use of complex default function argument could lead to stack error.
     14- factorpadic(2*x^4+x^2,2,2) -> division by 0 [#1876]
     15- incgam(110, I) very inaccurate
BA   16- ellinit over number field was not compatible with generic operations.
BA   17- [breakloop] dbg_up could confuse the breakloop.
HC   18- sumnummonieninit(,,a) + sumnummonien(n = a, ...) with a > 1 gave wrong
     19- sumnummonieninit([a,b], t_CLOSURE) => incorrect initialization
     20- lngamma(1+epsilon) much slower than in pari-2.7; eg. 10^-4 at \p200
BA   21- lfun(...,t_SER,n>=1) returned a wrong result
     22- lfun(,, negative derivation order) => internal bug
     23- SEGV in sumnummonieninit when accuracy too low
BA   24- ellidentify: check curve is over Q
     25- gdivgs(t_RFRAC,s) could create invalid objects
     26- chareval(G,chi,x,[[...], o]) didn't work (off-by-1)
     27- polsturm(x^2-1,[-1,1]) -> SEGV [#1884]
     28- typo in description of "call" symbolic operator [ _(_) ]
PB   29- matinverseimage could find spurious solutions [#1888]
     30- ellsea could leak variables (=> "no more variables" error)
     31- ellsea leaked clones
     32- 1/x - 1/x returned gen_0 (instead of Pol(0))
     33- printf("%d",factor(2*3*5*7)) => SEGV
     34- lfuninit: incorrect guess for root number depending on init domain
          E = ellinit([0,-a,1,157*a-27,-90*a-543], nfinit(a^2-a+1));
          lfuninit(E,[0,20,10])[2][6] -> 1 (whereas rootno is -1)
     35- bnrinit(bnf,idealfactor(bnf,1)) -> SEGV [#1890]
BA   36- lfuncreate([1,0,[0],1,1,1,1]) -> SEGV (invalid input)
     37- thue(imaginary quadratic of disc -3f^2, n) could return half-integers
BA   38- [libpari] Z_ZV_mod caused gerepile error
     39- bestappr(1+0.*I) -> 1 + 0*I instead of 1
     40- memory corruption in qfminim [#1894]
     41- polylog(x) used realprecision accuracy instead of precision(x) [#1895]
     42- exp or log(I*1.0) used realprecision accuracy instead of precision(x)
PB   43- M = ffgen(2017^3)*[0, 1; 0, 0]; M^-1 -> SEGV   [#1887]
BA   44- lfun(lfungenus2(...),...) was much slower than intended
BA   45- nfsubfields(polcyclo(88), 20) -> wrong result  [#1892]
BA   46- [mpi] dynamically linking with libpari did not work
     47- sin(1 + 1.0*I) used realprecision accuracy instead of precision(x);
         same for cos, tan, arg, expm1, sinc.
     48- make idealstar(,N) an actual shortcut for ideal(nfinit(x), N) [#1900];
         it is recommended to use znstar instead.
HIL  49- polclass could access invalid memory
     50- K=bnfinit(x^2+2323);
         bnfisprincipal(K,P);  \\ oo loop
     51- nfvalrem() overflowed in case of negative valuation
     52- ellminimalmodel over number field fails with impossible inverse [#1899]
     53- incorrect GC in nfgcd [#1903]
     54- missing GC in rnfisabelian
     55- derivnum(x = a, ...) allowed t_POL a but not t_RFRAC
     56- missing GC in vectorsmall
BA   57- missing GC in idealramgroups
BA   58- ellweilpairing failed for supersingular curves in char. 2 [#1910]
BA   59- Mat()[1..0,1..0] -> SEGV
PB   60- galoissubcyclo(1,1,fl) ignored fl [#1914]
     61- PostScript plot: fix font scaling
EB   62- GP was incorrectly issuing fflush(NULL) [#1913]
     63- issquare(Mod(1,67)*x^4+Mod(14,67)*x^2+Mod(49,67)) -> SEGV [#1915]
     64- polroots(t_POL whose coeffs vary by a factor > 2^100000) -> SEGV
         (or stack overflow)
     65- nfisincl(nf1, nf2) didn't work [#1921]
     66- setting sopath in gprc then calling install() -> SEGV [#1922]
     67- nfislocalpower did not accept a bnf in place of a nf
     68- subst(t_SER, x, 0 t_POL) [#1925], e.g
           subst(x+O(x^2),x,0*x) -> 1 + O(x)   [ instead of 0 ]
           subst(x+O(x^2),x,Mod(0,3)*x) -> O(x^0) [ instead of Mod(0,3) ]
     69- valuation(Mod(0,3)*x,x) -> 0 [ instead of oo ]
     70- factor(x^2 * (1+O(5^2))) -> domain error
     71- for T in Q_p[X], factor (round then compute multiplicity)
         and issquarefree (assume input is separable) did not agree. Now,
         factor() repeats irreducible factors according to apparent
         multiplicity (note that the multiplicity is not well defined for
         inexact inputs, which are close to being inseparable, i.e.
         v_p( disc(T) ) is large compared to the input accuracy). On the
         other hand, factorpadic with exact input is able to compute
         multiplicities reliably.
     72- Vecsmall(t_STR with extended (8-bit) ASCII) -> platform dependent +
         can't be converted back with Strchr
     73- x^y: loss of accuracy when y >> 1 and x exact
BA   74- [pthread] do not use pthread when nbthreads=1
     75- sumdiv(arg. in factored form, k < 0) => error or wrong result
     76- Mod(0,1)^0 -> invalid t_INTMOD
     77- gamma and lngamma inaccurate near negative integers, e.g.
BA   78- nfisisom, nfisincl and factor were still using factornf
PB   79- nfinit(t_POL of deg 1, 3) => incorrect change of variable
     80- subst(t_SER, x, x+O(x^N)) was slow [ e.g. ellj(x+O(x^10000)) ]
BA   81- setrand(2);polclass(-5032,27) -> wrong result
     82- polredabs(non-monic t_POL, 1) => potentially wrong transformation map
     83- if 'a < 'b < 'c, charpoly(Mod(a, a^2 + Mod(b,b^2+1)), c) => 1
         [ now error: the result can't be repreѕented as a t_POL in 'c, only
         as a t_POLMOD modulo b^2 whose coefficients are t_POL in 'c ]
     84- mathouseholder: missing sanity checks (SEGV, didn't accept t_COL)
     85- bestapprPade did not handle positive valuation correctly [#1945]
PB   86- subst(Mod(1/z, y), z, x) -> wrong answer [#1949]
     87- subst(1+x^2+O(x^3),x,y) -> 1 + y^2 + O(y^4) [#1950]
BA   88- [pthread] thread stacks could silently overflow
XR   89- padicfields(3,6) -> FPE [#1947]
     90- nfislocalpower could compute ZV_pval(0 vector,) -> oo loop [#1955]
BA   91- iferr(1/0,E,1,break()) -> SEGV
     92- missing roots in nfroots (when r2>0) [#1956,#1957]
BA   93- factormod(...,p,1) was incorrect for large p
BA   94- foo = vectorsmall(1);for(i=1,1, foo[1]); -> error [#1958]
BA   95- v=Vecsmall([2]); Fl_neg(v[1],3) when Fl_neg is installed [#1958]
     96- fincke_pohst with stockmax = -1 and non-zero CHECK (infinite
         capacity + selection criterion) could lose some vectors
         Affected polredabs [#1963]
     97- ellwp(,,1) returned \wp'/2 instead of \wp'
     98- inaccuracy in ellL1 / ellanalyticrank (usually last digit)
     99- nffactor factors could be non-monic [#1967]
    100- bestapprPade(,explicit B): wrong result [#1946]
    101- bestappr(Mod(10,307), 40) -> 10 (instead of 3/31)
    102- mathnf([x;1]) -> SEGV [#1971]
BA  103- ispower((x^3+ffgen([2^127-1,3])*x+1)^2,2,&r);r was wrong [#1976]
    104- factorpadic(3*x+O(2^5),2,5) -> division by 0 [#1982]
    105- vecmax(Vecsmall()) -> some random value [#1983]
    106- SEGV in install() when bad prototype supplied [#1977]
    107- ellzeta(., real number) possibly wrong result [#1981]
BA  108- sqrtn(Mod(9, 101), -2) -> wrong result
    109- multiplying t_SER with t_INTMOD entries (mod a composite) whose
         leading term cancels -> SEGV [#1986]
    110- lambertw(t_SER) could create invalid t_FRACs
    111- matintersect did not always return a basis
    112- nfinit([T, listP]) could error out when a small prime
         outside listP divided the index [#1993]
    113- lfuntheta(1,1e50) -> overflow
    114- nfrootsof1 could return a t_POL (always return \pm 1 or a t_COL)
    115- oo-loop in msfromell [#1906]
    116- memory leak due to cgetg_block / gunclone_deep usage
    117- memory leak in ellminimalmodel when e memoized periods/roots components
BA  118- [win32] plot colors were shifted by 1
    119- RgX_translate(P,c) with c equal to \pm 1 (e.g. as t_REAL or t_PADIC)
         incorrectly replaced c by its t_INT approximation [#1995]
BA  120- matsupplement(Mod(matrix(5,1),2)) --> SEGV [#1996]
    121- PostScript engine: missing 'stroke' in plotbox method => some
         commands (e.g. colors) could be ignored
    122- sqrtnint(a,k) very inefficient for huge k [and huge a]
    123- powuu(0,1) -> SEGV
    124- mathnfmodid([;], t_VEC) did not correspond to specifications
         (always returned [;])
    125- matsolvemod([;],2,[]~) -> no solution [ instead of []~ ]
    126- a[1]=vector(10):a[1][1]=b;a[1]=vector(10); could leak memory [#1999]
    127- lcm(Pol(0),0) -> division by 0
    128- QX_complex_roots(a*x^n,) => SEGV
BA  129- default(strictargs,1); my(a=2);(f(b,c)=123);f(1) => SEGV [#2004]
    130- factor(0.*x + 1) -> SEGV [#2005]
    131- sinh(x close to 0) -> loss of accuracy
    132- sinc(0.*I) -> division by 0
    133- wrong result in bnfinit due to loss of accuracy and unsufficient
         heuristics to detect it [#2007].
         => [60,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2] instead of [6,2]
    134- nffactor(y^8-y^6+y^4-y^2+1,x^4-1) -> concatenation error [#2009]
    135- vecsort / vecsearch: comparison function was required to assume
         integral values; allow t_INT, t_FRAC or t_REAL
    136- mathess was very unstable, and so was charpoly(,,2) [#2010]
    137- memory corruption in nffactor [#2013]
BA  138- partitions(1,[0,5],[3,4]) -> incorrect result
    139- quadclassunit(-699,,[6,6]) -> SEGV [#2015]
    140- intnum would lose accuracy when using more control points, e.g.
         intnum(x=0,1,x*cos(Pi*x), 2) at \p100 [#2014]
    141- polcoeff(t_SER) -> incorrect types and values
         polcoeff(1/(1+x+y+O(y^2)+O(x^2)), 1,y) -> 2*x-1 [now -1+2*x+O(x^2)]
         polcoeff(y+O(y^2), 0, x) -> 0 [now y+O(y^2)]
    142- ellperiods([1,0.1 + I/10^50]) -> division by 0
    143- nfmodpr(nfinit(x),[],[]~) -> SEGV [#2020]
    144- nfisisom(nfinit(x^2+4),x^2+1) -> reverse isomorphism [#2022]
    145- forbid ellinit(E/Qp, prime != p or 1.0)
    146- elllocalred(non integral E/nf,p) -> wrong result
    147- ellorder(E/Q, P with t_FFELT entries) not accepted [ t_INTMOD was ]
    148- missing GC in lfuntheta
    149- implementation of newblock was incompatible with getheap(). Now we
         always include the 'block' size in the header.
    150- gamma(0.0+1/2*x+O(x^2)) -> domain error in factorial
    151- affrr(0.0, x) did not reset the exponent correctly: use
         min(expo(0.0), bit_accuracy(lg(x)))
    152- matkerint could be exponentially slow; guarantee polynomial time
         (drawback: slows down some classes of matrices) [#2034]
    153- ellminimaltwist did not check that E is defined over Q
    154- padicappr('x,Mod(0,'t^2+1)+O(7^10)) -> SEGV [#2036]
    155- allow \r "foo bar" (quotes around file names are optional for
         \l,\r, \w; they allow filenames with spaces) [#2035]
    156- memory leak in polclass()
AP  157- fix integrality condition in algsubalg/algquotient/algcentralproj
    158- factorpadic gave wrong results at low accuracy

      1- [libari] ZM_isidentity
      2- [libpari] rename buchnarrow -> bnfnarrow
      3- [libpari] ZX_radical
BA    4- [gmp] support for mpn_divexact_1
BA    5- parallel fflog in characteristic at most 5
BA    6- parallel znlog for large characteristic
      7- [libpari] u_chinese_coprime
BA    8- new GP function elltamagawa
      9- [libpari] RgX_rescale_to_int, RgM_rescale_to_int
BA   10- [libpari] Flx_digits/FlxV_Flx_fromdigits
     11- new argument (multiple derivation) in GP function derivnum
     12- allow matrix(n) for n x n matrices
     13- new GP functions nfeltsign, nfeltembed, nfpolsturm
HC   14- new GP functions sumnumap, sumnumapinit (Abel-Plana summation)
HC   15- new GP functions zetamultall, zetamultconvert
     16- allow t_VECSMALL for vecsort [already there but undocumented] and
         vecsearch [already there but prevented by a typo]
CG   17- new GP function matpermanent [#1860]
     18- [libpari] hammingl, RgM_is_QM, vecsmall_prod, zm_permanent,
     19- lfuncreate: no longer assume Ramanujan-Petersson, allow specifying
         an arbitrary growth rate a_n = O(n^(k_1 + eps))
BA   20- new GP function vecprod
     21- new GP function znchar
VD   22- new GP functions forperm, forsubset
PB   23- [libpari] F2xqM_F2xqC_gauss F2xqM_F2xqC_invimage F2xqM_gauss F2xqM_invimage
         FlxqM_FlxqC_invimage FlxqM_invimage
         FqM_FqC_invimage FqM_invimage
         gen_matcolinvimage gen_matinvimage
         FFM_FFC_invimage FFM_FFC_gauss FFM_gauss FFM_invimage
     24- new GP function polrootsbound
HC   25- new GP functions prodeulerrat, sumeulerrat, sumnumrat, prodnumrat
HC   26- new GP function zetahurwitz
     27- [libpari] sqrtnr_abs
     28- binomial(x,k): allow omitting k [ => vecbinomial ]
VD   29- [libpari] forperm_init, forperm_next, forperm, forallsubset_init,
         forallsubset_next, forksubset_init, forksubset_next, forsubset
     30- [libpari] lindep_bit
BA   31- new GP function ellbsd
     32- new GP function poldiscfactors
     33- [libpari] FpX_gcd_check
     34- [libpari] str_init, str_printf, str_putc, str_puts
     35- new GP function printp [ used to exist with a slightly different
         meaning: pretty format vs prettymatrix ]
     36- new GP function sumnumlagrange, sumnulagrangeinit
     37- [libpari] int2um1 (for 2^n - 1)
     38- Fl_powu: special purpose code when base is 2
     39- [libpari] vecpowuu, vecpowug
     40- [libpari] zerovec_block
     41- [libpari] Z_ZV_mod_tree
     42- [libpari] vecvecsmall_max, vecsmall_to_vec_inplace
     43- new GP function zetamultinit
BA   44- new GP functions permorder, permsign
BA   45- new GP function galoisconjclasses
AP   46- new GP functions galoischartable, alggroupcenter, algmakeintegral
     47- [libpari] Flxn_inv
     48- new GP function chargalois
     49- [libpari] expose znstar internal interface: znstar_get_N,
      znstar_get_conreycyc, znstar_get_conreygen, znstar_get_faN, znstar_get_no,
      znstar_get_pe, znstar_get_Ui, checkznstar_i
     50- [libpari] coreu_fact, moebiusu_fact
     51- [libpari] ZabM_ker, ZabM_indexrank, ZabM_inv, ZabM_pseudoinv,
BA   52- [libpari] stack_malloc_align
PB   53- [libpari] FFM_deplin, FFM_indexrank, FFM_suppl F2xqM_deplin,
         F2xqM_indexrank, F2xqM_suppl FlxqM_deplin, FlxqM_indexrank, FlxqM_suppl
JD   54- [plot] SVG support
     55- [libpari] upper_to_cx, cxredsl2, cxredsl2_i
     56- new GP function charpow
     57- [libpari] ZM_pseudoinv
     58- [libpari] ulogintall, ulogint, umuluu_or_0, QXQV_to_FpM, ZM_ZX_mul,
     59- new GP function ellminimaldisc
     60- [libpari] rfracrecip_to_ser_absolute, RgV_to_ser
     61- new GP function znchardecompose, zncharconductor, znchartoprimitive
PB   62- [libpari] perm_sign
PB   63- [libpari] FlxC_neg FlxC_sub FlxM_neg FlxM_sub FlxqC_Flxq_mul
                   FlxqM_Flxq_mul zero_FlxC zero_FlxM
PB   64- asymptotically fast linear algebra using CUP decomposition
     65- [libpari] nf_get_zkden, nf_get_zkprimpart
     66- [libpari] idealprimedec_galois, idealprimedec_degrees
     67- [libpari] idealaddtoone_raw, ZM_hnfmodprime, pr_hnf
BA   68- new GP functions hyperellratpoints and ellratpoints based on
         Michael Stoll ratpoints code.
     69- [libpari] Z_pollardbrent, Z_ECM
     70- [libpari] RgX_mulhigh_i
     71- GP function znchargauss
     72- Configure --graphic=svg
     73- GP function divisorslenstra (divisors in residue classes)
     74- [libpari] lg_increase, vecfactoru, vecfactoru_i, vecfactoroddu,
         vecfactoroddu_i, vecfactorsquarefreeu
BA   75- ellheight for curves over number fields
     76- new GP function forfactored
     77- [libpari] ZV_sort_inplace
BA   78- ellrootno for curves over number fields
     79- optional flag to 'divisors' (add factorization)
     80- GP functions fordivfactored
BA   81- [libpari] ZXQM_mul, ZXQM_sqr, QXQM_mul, QXQM_sqr
     82- [libpari] ZX_z_unscale
     83- [libpari] Flxn_mul
BA   84- [libpari] FlxqX_is_squarefree, FlxqX_nbfact, RgX_to_FlxqX
     85- [libpari] RgX_addmulXn, RgX_addmulXn_shallow, RgX_addspec,
BA   86- GP functions galoischardet, galoischarpoly
     87- [libpari] mulcxpowIs
BA   88- [libpari] function RgXn_sqrt
KB+HC89- new package 'mf' for modular forms; new GP functions
      getcache         lfunmf          mfDelta           mfEH
      mfEk             mfTheta         mfatkin           mfatkineigenvalues
      mfatkininit      mfbasis         mfbd              mfbracket
      mfcoef           mfcoefs         mfconductor       mfcosets
      mfcuspisregular  mfcusps         mfcuspval         mfcuspwidth
      mfderiv          mfderivE2       mfdescribe        mfdim
      mfdiv            mfeigenbasis    mfeigensearch     mfeisenstein
      mfembed          mfeval          mffields          mffromell
      mffrometaquo     mffromlfun      mffromqf          mfgaloistype
      mfhecke          mfheckemat      mfinit            mfisCM
      mfisequal        mfkohnenbasis   mfkohnenbijection mfkohneneigenbasis
      mflinear         mfmanin         mfmul             mfnumcusps
      mfparams         mfperiodpol     mfperiodpolbasis  mfpetersson
      mfpow            mfsearch        mfshift           mfshimura
      mfslashexpansion mfspace         mfsplit           mfsturm
      mfsymbol         mfsymboleval    mftaylor          mftobasis
      mftocoset        mftonew         mftraceform       mftwist
     90- [libpari] ZV_cba, Z_cba_extend
     91- [libpari] RgV_is_ZVpos, RgV_is_ZVnon0
JA   92- GP functions primecert, primecertexport, primecertisvalid (ECPP).
     93- [libpari] ncharvecexpo
     94- [libpari] rootsof1q_cx, rootsof1powinit, rootsof1pow
BA   95- [libpari] RgX_digits
     96- [libpari] Q_content_safe
BA   97- ellisomat: support for curve over finite field without CM
     98- GP function: bestapprnf
     99- [libpari] vec_prepend, lindepfull_bit
BA  100- [libpari] QX_mul/QX_sqr/QX_ZX_rem, FFX_mul/FFX_sqr/FFX_rem,
         RgX_mul_i/RgX_sqr_i, ZXQX_mul/ZXQX_sqr
BA  101- [libpari] Rg_type, RgX_type2, RgX_type3,
         RgM_type, RgM_type2, RgM_RgC_type
BA  102- RgX_mul/RgX_sqr: support for coefficient ring detection
BA  103- [libpari] FlxqXQ_auttrace
BA  104- [libpari] F2xX_F2x_add, FlxX_Flx_sub, FqX_Fq_sub
BA  105- [libpari] F2x_get_red, get_F2x_mod, get_F2x_var, get_F2x_degree,
         F2xqX_get_red, get_F2xqX_mod, get_F2xqX_var, get_F2xqX_degree
    106- [libpari] vecmoduu, quadclassno, mkfracss, sstoQ, Qtoss
    107- [libpari] znchar_quad
VD  108- [libpari] closure_func_err
BA  109- [libpari] F2xqX_extgcd, F2xqXQ_inv, F2xqXQ_invsafe, FFXQ_inv
BA  110- [libpari] ZV_nv_mod_tree, ZM_nv_mod_tree, ZXC_nv_mod_tree,
BA  111- [libpari] FF_gen, FF_map, FFX_preimage, FF_Frobenius
BA  112- New GP functions ffembed, ffmap, ffinvmap, ffcompomap, ffextend,
    113- [libpari] cx_approx_equal
BA  114- [libpari] F2xqX_ispower, FlxqX_ispower, FpXQX_ispower, FFX_ispower,
                   FpX_ispower, FqX_to_mod, FqM_to_mod, RgC_to_FqC, RgM_to_FqM,
                   QXQC_to_mod_shallow, QXQM_to_mod_shallow
BA  115- [libpari] ZC_Q_mul, ZM_Q_mul, ZX_Q_mul, QM_mul, QM_det, QM_ker
BA  116- [libpari] Fl_log, Fl_log_pre, Fl_sqrtn, Fl_sqrtn_pre
BA  117- [libpari] Flc_Flv_mul, Flm_adjoint, Flm_powers
    118- New GP function exponent()
BA  119- [libpari] ZXM_init_CRT, ZXM_incremental_CRT
    120- [libpari] numdivu, numdivu_fact, gexpo_safe
BA  121- [libpari] FpXC_center, FpXM_center
BA  122- [libpari] nxV_chinese_center, nxCV_chinese_center, nxMV_chinese_center
AP  123- New GP functions matdetmod, matimagemod, matinvmod, matkermod
BA  124- [libpari] Z_content
    125- [libpari] checkMF, checkMF_i, checkmf_i, inv_content
BA  126- [libpari] F2xqXQ_inv, F2xqXQ_invsafe, F2xqX_invBarrett, Flc_Flv_mul
    127- New GP functions msdim, mslattice, mspetersson, mspolygon,
         ellweilcurve, ellpadicbsd, ellpadicregulator
BA  128- New GP function lfuntwist
    129- [libpari] mkmat22, mkmat22s, Qp_agm2_sequence, Qp_ascending_Landen,
BA  130- [libpari] famat_pows_shallow, famat_mulpows_shallow
    131- [libpari] QXQ_div_ratlift, ZM_equal0, QM_ImZ_hnfall, QM_ImQ_hnfall
BA  132- [libpari] ZXn_mul, ZXn_sqr, FpXn_mul, FpXn_sqr, RgXn_recip_shallow,
         FpXn_exp, FpX_Newton, FpX_fromNewton, FpX_Laplace, FpX_invLaplace
BA  133- [libpari] FpX_integ, FpX_convol
    134- allow zeta(power series)
    135- New GP function laurentseries
LGr 136- default(echo): new value echo = 2 [ print as is, incl. whitespace ]
LGr 137- allow power series as limits for intnum()
    138- [libpari] uordinal
BA  139- [libpari] QM_gauss, QM_rank, QM_indexrank, QM_QC_mul
LGr 140- make TESTS="a b c" test-all to test only 'a' 'b' and 'c', e.g.
         'lfun', 'gamma' and 'lfuntype' (same for statest-all and dyntest-all)
    141- allow quaddisc(integer factorization matrix)
    142- New GP function forsquarefree
    143- allow matsolve(m,b) when m is only left-invertible
BA  144- [libpari] QXQ_mul, QXQ_sqr, FFXQ_mul, FFXQ_sqr
    145- New GP function idealispower
BA  146- New GP function idealredmodpower
    147- 'ms' modular symbol package: support N = 1 as well
    148- allow mssplit(M), splits msnew(M) by default
BA  149- [libpari] FpXQXn_mul, FpXQXn_sqr, FqXn_mul, FqXn_sqr
    150- New GP functions plothexport, plothrawexport, plotexport
    151- plotcolor(w, col) now allows color names (t_STR) or [R,G,B] values
    152- allow a t_STR composed of # + 6 hex digits for colour names
    153- isprime(,3): use ECPP
    154- new GP function log1p [#1829]
BA  155- qfisom: allow to give the automorphism group of the second lattice
    156- optional argument to idealfactor [limit factorization]
    157- [libpari] idealHNF_Z_factor_i, idealfactor_limit, famat_div_shallow,
         Q_factor, Q_factor_limit, vecsquarefreeu, gprec_wensure
    158- vecsort / vecsearch: allow sort/search wrt to a "key" (closure with
         arity 1)
    159- [libpari] forprimestep_init
    160- allow forstep(a,b, Mod(c,q), ...)
    161- new GP function forprimestep
    162- [libpari] RgX_sylvestermatrix
    163- [libpari] Rg_to_Fq, Fp_invgen
BA  164- [libpari] F2xqX_factor_squarefree, FlxqX_factor_squarefree,
         FpXQX_factor_squarefree, FqX_factor_squarefree, FFX_factor_squarefree
BA  165- [libpari] FpXX_integ, FpXX_halve, FqX_halve, FpXQXn_exp, FqXn_exp,
    166- new file Ser.c
BA  167- [libpari] FpXn_inv, FpXQXn_inv, FqXn_inv
BA  168- New file GP interface: fileclose fileextern fileflush fileopen
         fileread filereadstr filewrite filewrite1
BA  169- [libpari] Flx_ddf, F2x_ddf, FpX_ddf, F2xqX_ddf, FlxqX_ddf, FpXQX_ddf,
         FqX_ddf, FFX_ddf
         F2xqX_degfact, FlxqX_degfact, FpXQX_degfact, FqX_degfact, FFX_degfact
    170- new GP functions factormodSQF, factormodDDF
    171- [libpari] umuluu_le, ugcdiu, ugcdui, ulcm
    172- [libpari] Fp_center_i, FpX_center_i
    173- [libpari] hclassno6, hclassno6u
BA  174- New GP function lfunsympow
BA  175- nfsplitting: support for reducible polynomials
AP  176- new GP functions alglatadd, alglatcontains, alglatelement, alglathnf,
         alglatindex, alglatinter, alglatlefttransporter, alglatmul,
         alglatrighttransporter, alglatsubset
AP  177- new GP function algsplit

      1- rewrite bnfnarrow
      2- the bid struct from idealstar has been changed, the new format is
         not compatible with pari-2.9
      3- bnrdisclist output is now an ordinary vector (not a vector of vectors)
      4- made nfsign() / nfsign_arch() reliable [ use algebraic method
         besides floating point approximation to real embeddings ]
      5- support ??refcard-ell  (or mf/nf/lfun)
      6- [libpari internals] bnrinit(,,1) [with generators] is no longer
         necessary for bnrsurjection()
      7- bnrinit(,,1) is no longer necessary for bnrL1, bnrconductor,
         bnrrootnumber, bnrstark, rnfkummer, galoissubcyclo
      8- msfromell: use a (much faster) modular algorithm, allow a vector
         of isogenous curves
      9- mseval(W,s,p): allow 2x2 matrix for the path 'p' argument
     10- allow mseval(W, t_MAT, p) to evaluate many symbols simultaneously
     11- allow polrootsreal() and polsturm() with non-rational real polynomials
         (input is rounded first)
BA   12- FlxX_shift did not support negative (left) shift.
BA   13- [libpari] rename FpX_fromdigits -> FpXV_FpX_fromdigits,
         FpXQX_fromdigits -> FpXQXV_FpXQX_fromdigits
     14- made lngamma(t_COMPLEX) faster
     15- made sumnummonieninit(,1) faster
HC   16- sumnummonieninit(a) for [a,a] did not conform to documentation.
         Change to sumnummonieninit(b) for [1,b]
     17- improve prime() and primepi() by adding more checkpoints [#1878]
     18- lfun(Dirichlet character): switch automatically to lfunchiquad
         (Kronecker) if char has order <= 2
     19- nfchecksigns: replace by rigorous algorithm
     20- asympnum: better tunings => usually finds more terms
     21- extended help: make ?? op work for ALL operators (=> GP operators@2)
     22- idealstar(,N) : always include generators, for all values of flag
         [ this is cheap, allowing not to compute it doesn't make much sense;
         and G.gen is now always defined. ]
     23- let ellsea call the generic algorithm when q <= 523 to avoid an oo-loop
     24- sqrtnr algorithm (Newton iteration instead of exp(log(x)/n)
BA   25- quadgen/quadunit: allow to specify the variable name instead of w.
     26- [libpari] rename vecbinome -> vecbinomial
     27- [libpari] rename padic_lindep -> lindep_padic, Xadic_lindep ->
     28- x^(t_FRAC) use sqrtnr if possible
BA   29- keri replaced by ZM_ker (use modular algorithm)
     30- lfuncreate() change of format for (p,d)->Lp closure:
         - Lp here and in bad primes [p,Lp] must now use the actual local
           factor and not its inverse
         - d is now the exact number of terms needed (was 1 less), i.e.
           one need only return Lp + O(x^d)
         - bad primes are given as a separate 2nd component:
           [Lp, [[p1,L1],...[pk,Lk]]], not as [Lp, [p1,L1],...[pk,Lk]]
     31- faster nfgaloismatrix / nfgaloisapply(nf,s, ideal)
     32- nf struct:  nf[7] now stores nf.zk / content(nf.zk). Old format is
         still supported (to read in data involving old-style nf generated by
         gp version < 2.10) but incurs a small speed penalty.
JD   33- move plotport.c to libpari
     34- default window size for hi-res plots using --graphic=X
     35- component(t_POL T, n) used to return polcoeff(T, n-1) for all n >= 1
         [ undocumented compatibility behaviour, deprecated since the
         introduction of polcoeff ], and raised an exception for n <= 0.
         Now returns a true GEN component whenever it exists and raises an
         exception when it does not [ n <= 0 or n > polcoeff(T)+1 ].
BA   36- Fl_addmul_pre: change arguments order to follow Fp_addmul convention
     37- issquarefree / isfundamental with integer argument: allow factored form
     38- change polred-type algorithm to return 'x' (no longer 'x-1') for
         the field of rational numbers (make it consistent with polredabs)
BA   39- ellisomat(E,{fl}) is now ellisomat(E,{p},{fl}) (p degree of isogenies)
     40- the definition used in polred / polredbest / polredabs to decide
         what is the "best" polynomial to return
     41- removed resultant_all, use RgX_resultant_all
     42- polresultant: no longer compute the content of arguments
         (potentially very expensive for a generically small gain)
     43- support Q(i) in Q_denom / Q_remove_denom
BA   44-[libpari] rename {FpXQXQ,FlxqXQ,F2xqXQ}V_aut{sum,trace,pow} to
BA   45-[libpari] FpXQXQ_auttrace now identical to FpXQ_auttrace
BA   46-[libpari] RgX_type now only handles polynomials.
     47-log: change threshold between Taylor / AGM when x close to a power
        of 2 [#1934]
     48-[libpari] ZM_inv and QM_inv interface
     49- K.tu[2]: make it a t_INT if possible, else a t_POLMOD
     50- removed warning "Mod(a,b)^n with n >> b : wasteful"
     51- ellpadicmatrix now returns a pair of matrices (instead of a matrix
         whose entries are pairs of values)
     52- ellpadicheight and ellpadicmatrix no longer accept [p,[a,b]]
         arguments; use * [a,b]~
     53- ellpadics2: allow curves with multiplicative reduction
     54- E/Qp now allowed in ellcard, ellap, ellgroup, ellissupersingular,
         ellpadicfrobenius, ellpadics2, ellintegralmodel, elllocalred
     55- E/Qp convert coefficient to exact form using centered residues
     56- msissymbol now returns a GEN (gen_0/gen_1) instead of a long, allow
         t_MAT arguments and return a vector of 0/1 in this case.
     57- allow mseval(M, t_MAT)
     58- change 'debugmem' default value to 1;
         no memory-related message at value 0 (not recommended under gp).
BA   59- V=galoisfixedfield(,,2): return V[1] in the same variable as the
         coeffs of V[3] instead of P.
     60- numtoperm now returns a t_VECSMALL (so that results can be
         multiplied as permutations, etc.), no longer a ZV
     61- improve Fp_sqrt for p = 5 (mod 8) [Atkin's formula]
     62- improved matrixqz(,‐1 or -2) by using matkermod
     63- The functions psdraw, psploth and psplothraw and the default psfile
         are obsolete. Use one of plotexport, plothexport or plothrawexport
         with format "ps" and write the result to file.
AP   64- new implementation of matsolvemod; old matsolvemod0 is deprecated
     65- plotcolor(w,c) now returns the [R,G,B] value attached to c
     66- allow plotdraw(w) for plotdraw([w,0,0])
     67- allow isprime(n) to use ECPP
     68- isprime(n,1) no longer outputs a certificate, use primecert(n)
     69- isprime(n,1) no longer uses APRCL for large prime divisors of n-1
         (pure Pocklington-Lehmer-Selfridge); use primecert(n).
     70- getrand() encoded results in a way that depended on 32bit/64bit arch
     71- thue(p, rhs) is much easier when p has no real roots; don't insist
         on computing bnfinit(p) in this case [#2003]
     72- use Newton in expm1
     73- change rnfpolredabs so that it outputs a canonical polynomial. As a
         result, the function is no longer Obsolete.
     74- allow polrecip(scalar x) -> x
     75- extend factormod(f, D) for general finite fields: D = p prime
         [over Fp], D = [T,p] (over Fp[x]/(T)), or omited [over field of
         definition of f]. Same for polrootsmod.
     76- factorff and polrootsff are now obsolete. Use factormod/polrootsmod
     77- Ser(s, 'x, d) now always return a series with d significant terms.
         It used to return a t_SER s in 'x verbatim and to use all given
         coefficients for a t_VEC/t_COL. Only if d is explicitly given,
         no change for Ser(s,'x)
     78- elllocalred, ellap, ellcard, ellissupersingular, ellgroup(,0):
         allow models which are not p-integral
     79- ellgroup: allow E over number field
     80- factorback([;]) is now invalid [ [;] is not the empty factorization,
         factor(1) = matrix(0,2) is ]
     81- cmpiu / cmpiu, equaliu / equalui : no longer assume that t_INT argument
         is non-negative
     82- rename diviu_rem -> absdiviu_rem, udiviu_rem -> uabsdiviu_rem,
         udivui_rem -> uabsdivui_rem
     83- allow E.omega, E.eta, E.area for E over number field
     84- ellpointtoz for E over number field
AP   85- algnorm, algtrace and algcharpoly now have an optional flag to get the
         absolute version over an alginit algebra
AP   86- renamed algsplittingmatrix -> algtomatrix
AP   87- algleftmultable now always returns the multiplication table on the
         integral basis
AP   88- merged algdecomposition + algsimpledec -> algsimpledec
AP   89- algpoleval: new syntax for matrix argument algpoleval(al,pol,[x,mx])
BA   90- ellmoddegree: return only the modular degree, do not depend on current
     91- polsturm: allow non-squarefree polynomials (count distinct roots)

      1- file 'MACHINES' (no longer maintained)
      2- useless argument nf in ZC_nfval, ZC_nfvalrem, pr_equal, ZC_prdvd
      3- useless flag argument in polrootsmod
      4- [libpari] useless function Flx_roots_naive; rootmod and rootmod2
         are now an alias for polrootsmod (both have been deprecated for years)
         rootmod0 is just as obsolete.

Karim Belabas, IMB (UMR 5251)  Tel: (+33) (0)5 40 00 26 17
Universite de Bordeaux         Fax: (+33) (0)5 40 00 21 23
351, cours de la Liberation    http://www.math.u-bordeaux.fr/~kbelabas/
F-33405 Talence (France)       http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/  [PARI/GP]