Bill Allombert on Mon, 25 Jan 2021 12:11:09 +0100 |
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pari-2.13.1 (STABLE) released |
Dear PARI lovers, I would like to announce the release of pari-2.13.1 (STABLE). The sources and Windows and MacOS binaries are available from This is a BUGFIX release for the stable branch. This release addresses significant problems that could be fixed in a simple, harmless way. However we strongly encourage you to upgrade since it fixes a number of cases where PARI was returning an incorrect result. -------------------------- Thanks to all those who reported problems, on the mailing lists or through our Bug Tracking System. ( See ), or who tested the preleases. Have fun, Bill and Karim P.S: The Changelog: Bug numbers refer to the BTS at Done for version 2.13.1 (released 25/01/2020): [last column crossreferences current development release 2.14.0] Fixed 1- GC error in idealinv [#2258] [F2] 2- qfminim inefficiency (initial bound from non-LLL-reduced matrix) [F3] 3- mfshimura in weight 3/2 => oo loop [F4] 4- matsolve([1,1,1/2; 1,0,1/2; 2,1,0], [-1;1;-1]) -> SEGV [#2261] [F6] 5- qfminim(Mat(1),,,2) -> precision error [#2262] [F7] 6- subst(p, v, t_SER) very slow if p contains many variables [#2264] [F8] 7- mfsymboleval for trivial path returned 0 instead of a vector of 0s when f has multiple embeddings [#2260] [F9] 8- 2^(1 + O(3^4)) -> type error [F10] 9- Zn_quad_roots(8,0,-1) to compute roots of x^2-1 mod 8 -> [4,[1,3]] (1 or 3 mod 4) instead of the expected [2,[1]] (1 mod 2) [#2265] [F11] 10- tan(1+10^20*I) -> overflow (same for cotan and psi) [F12] BA 11- Mod(2,3)^1000000000000000000001 -> Mod(-1,3) [#2266] [F13] 12- subst(O(y) + x, x, (1 - y + O(y^2))*x + O(x^2)) -> SEGV [#2267] [F14] 13- (Mod(0,3) + x) + O(x^2) -> x + O(x^2) [now Mod(1,3)*x + O(x^2)] [F15] 14- precision too low for units in mfgaloisprojrep [F16] 15- missing GC at the end of RgXn_inv [F17] 16- (-1)^(1/3) -> -1 instead of exp(log(-1)/3) [F18] 17- mfeisenstein(k, trivial characters mod N > 1) was incorrect [F19] BA 18- missing GC in qfsolve [F20]